Thursday, February 23, 2006

You are feeling very Sleeeeepppyyy!

Man oh Man. Val and I have walked right into the world of random sleep patterns. We have never had to deal with prolonged periods of random sleep like we currently are having with the little guys. It's definately the tough part of being a parent.

The boys are doing good. Val took the little guys to the doctor today to get weighed and Jackson weighed in at 4lbs 13 oz. up 5 ounces in a week. Caleb didn't need to be weighed so we arent sure about him but he is getting heavier trust us.

Here is a pic from Valentines day.

Some up close ones that Val took...



Hard to believe they are 3 weeks old now. It actually feels much longer to us. Val is a great mom. She has been doing great. She has pretty much fully recovered from the surgery too.

Jackson still has his PDA heart murmor issue that we will be getting checked on next week again. We are hoping the medicine he is taking will close up the PDA without any surgery. If not the surgery would not require open heart surgery, just a catheder type surgery to close it up for him. This is pretty common in some premies.

Talk to you soon.

Eric, Val , Jackson and Caleb.


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