Spring Should Be Fun!
Some of you may already know but it is now official on the blog.... Val and I are going to have a Number 3 in May! Val is about 3.5 months pregnant and doing well so far. And yes we know it is not twins!
So....Spring Should be fun for us! As if having twin 2 year old boys isn't going to be fun enough, we will be having another bundle of joy thrown in the mix. Now of course we planned this, so we deserve what ever we get.
All kidding aside, we are very excited and looking forward to the family being larger. We have always been perplexed by the notion that people seem to think "Now that you have 2 you can stop." or "Boy Twins must be wonderful, get it all over in one shot" and sayings like that. My response is usually a kind ha ha , yeah.. unless I know you. I wonder if there is a national standard for 2 being the magic number out there? I mean it's not like we live in China and we are bound not to have more children. The last time I checked, we still lived in a country where large families are common.
Thanksgiving was nice here. We had Vals mom here and my parents over for dinner. Val got the extra special deal on a turkey and we had a 17lb. Butterball Turkey for $5. It should have been about $30. Jackson and Caleb both picked up on what Gobble Gobble means and definitely enjoyed playing in the leave piles we made.
The one thing that is tough with kids is that colds happen all the time. I now know why kids are such germ factories. It's virtually impossible to keep your kids as sterile as a bleached surface unless you are super diligent and have a bit of an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. So we just do what we can and let the kids have fun instead of worrying too much about it. Of course we try to limit the exposure to sick kids but now that it is winter time, you can only stay in your own home for so long before having to venture out to one of the many get away play grounds in the malls or something.
I continue to think that Jackson and Caleb are going to be some sort of athlete because they are pretty good at wrestling, throwing, running and starting to jump. When focused and told to use 2 hands, they actually hit a baseball off of a T-ball Tee really well. They also have great aim throwing a ball. I'm hoping the trend continues and they become fun little athletes so Daddy can live vicariously through them. I was never a star in sports, but I loved them. I think if I would have had the early motivation in some other sports than golf, I could have been much better and enjoyed more sports in High School.
Now that we are expecting a 3rd child, we are starting to plan on the inevitable family expanding issues. Nothing major has started yet, but Val's mind is certainly starting to churn. The biggest deals are the new baby room in the new house, and getting a bigger car. I am trying my darnedest to not get a mini-van and try the Expedition type vehicle, but Val isn't so comfortable in that car vs. the Mini-Van. Also the economics of a Mini-van make it so appealing. So who knows, Val might be driving a mini-van in the near future. All I know is that our current Passat is not going to do once the little one comes.
Here are some pics for you. Take care....
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