Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Master Val

I have always been a believer in my wife in her strength, capability and knowledge but last week really sets the bar a bit higher. Val went down to the University of Florida (Gainseville, FL) to take her final exams for her masters degree in Forensic Drug Chemistry (Toxicology) last week from Monday until Thursday. We were both pretty stressed about the situation (mostly her) and even questioned whether she should go through with it because of all the stuff she has on her plate right now. Luckily she decided to just push through it and get it done. Boy did that pay off. She got a 94% on the exam and she thought she was going to possibly fail a couple weeks ago. Amazing!!!!

So while mom was in Florida sitting by the pool, studying for her finals, Dad and Grandma were back at home taking care of the boys. I couldnt have done it with out Grandma (My mom). I have the patience of a 6 month old sometimes and having to entertain 2 of them by myself for longer than eight hours is pretty much impossible without me pulling out the rest of my hair. So Granmda was very happy to take some time to help me out. We also had my cousin Rachel come over to help sometimes too. Needless to say the boys and I made it through the week without mom. I was very happy to have her back as were Caleb and Jackson.

One thing that has changed recently as well is that the boys have started to sleep from 7pm to 6am with one feeding at 10pm. So they end up sleeping close to 8 hours straight from 10-6am. It has been good to get to this point. For some reason though they like to wake up at around 5:30 and start talking.... We would rather they keep sleeping but we wont complain quite yet.

All else is going well here. Val is settling back in now that she is the Master of the house. The boys are growing and eating well. We started feeding them rice cereal this weekend and of course the are just pushing it around in and out of their mouth. Not much eating going on there. They are still rolling over back and forth but no crawling yet. Last time Jackson was at the Cardiologist his heart was looking good and the doctor thought the PDA might actually be closing itself. Thats good news. We have been taking them on walks as much as possible, they love it outside and are definately starting to like the pool. But one lesson learned is , don't forget the passies when you go to the pool. Nap time isnt fun without them. We also took them to a concert on Friday at Friday Night Live in Herndon, VA last Friday. It is like weekly family type outdoor concert thing near here. The Jimmy Buffet cover band wasn't bad. Tons of babies and kids at these things so its great for us to go to with the boys. They are easily the cutest kids there. :) I am a proud and modest dad!

I better wrap this up for now. I'll keep you posted on any news. Have a great week.


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