Life in our new home!
Sorry it's been a while since I updated the blog. We have had a lot going on lately. Of course as you may already know, Val and I and the boys have moved into our new home. It has been fairly smooth and we are pretty much settled in now. It's amazing how much room we have now compared to the Townhouse. Caleb and Jackson are adjusting and things seem to be going well at the new home. Jake loves the backyard and the neighbors dog. They talk through the fence which is semi open so they can sniff each other and sniff etc...
One of the nice things about our new home is the garage. I can't believe we have a garage. Of course all good things come with some baggage and one thing I wasn't expecting was the random failure of a garage door spring. I had left for work and closed the garage and Val and the boys heard a loud bang come from the garage. It turns out that the spring had been extended as it normal does when the door goes down but the spring failed at the end of it exploded across the garage leaving some nice new beauty marks on the side of the VW in the garage. So, the garage has been pretty cool except this little issue. :) Of course the fix it guy (ME) went out and replaced both springs on the garage to fix the problem. Suppose I'll need to do that to the other garage door soon too.
The boys are doing well. They are getting more and more active day by day. They are doing well walking on their own. Jackson still hasn't figured out how to stand himself up without the use of a wall, chair or mom or dad, but Caleb has. They both have a lot of fun walking around the house. They especially like it when we chase them or hide from them. Its real cute to see them laugh when they are doing this. For the most part they are happy kids. They definitely know how to tell mommy that they want something of course. We are really looking forward to the weather getting nicer outside and the ground drying up so the kids can play outside.
Caleb and Jackson are 1 now and Caleb is sitting forward in a car seat now. Jackson has to gain a couple pounds before we can turn him around. The birthday party was a lot of fun and lots of people came to wish them happy birthday. They were just getting a bad cold that day so they weren't in the best moods. So when we gave them their birthday cake and sang to them, they started crying because they were a little freaked out about everyone singing to them and these large cakes sitting in front of them. It was pretty sad but funny at the same time.
Here are some pics of the boys in the new house...
1st Birthday Party
Other pics

I'll be posting pics of the new house very soon......
I'll be posting pics of the new house very soon......
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