We have Teeth
Caleb and Jackson both have a tooth coming in now. Jackson was actually first with one coming in about 2 weeks ago. Caleb just had is break through yesterday. Boy does that make for a fussy baby. :) Both of them are also sitting up now. Caleb has been doing it for a couple weeks now and Jackson is not getting settled into it. Its pretty neat to see them sitting up without help now. Here are a couple pictures of them sitting up.
This is Caleb. He can't decide which toy is best....
This is Jackson probably just about to fall over. ( Still getting the hang of sitting up)
Val is doing a great job taking care of the boys. She continues to amaze me with her patience and ability to take care of 2 children all day by herself. She has even been going out to some play groups and meeting with another friend of ours who has twins. Luke and Braydon are spitting images of Caleb and Jackson only 2 months older. They look a little different but one is smaller than the other just like our boys and they have similar characteristics. Its great for Val to have a friend like Gina that is going through the same thing.
Caleb and Jackson are doing well with Solid foods. Some of their favorites are Sweet Potatoes, Oatmeal cereal, Squash (Multiple types), Pees mostly mixed with other things, Pears, Apples, Plums and just recently blueberries. They are still getting formula bottles 4 or 5 times a day but solid food at meal times. When in a good mood, meal time is pretty fun. Jackson sometimes falls asleep while eating in the morning or evening and it so cute to watch. Here are some pics for you.
Now that Football is back, life is great. Football is such a great game. Im just glad Val enjoys it as well. Wish we could be back at Purdue for some of the games this year. An interesting note, UNH (Univeersity of New Hampshire) beat Northwestern last weekend. That's where my mom went to college and one of my Best Friends Zach started out in College. We also used to go there for Track stuff in High School. Anytime a Division I-AA team beats a I-A team its a big deal. I'm just glad Purdue wasn't playing them. The UNH wildcats are pretty good.
The boys will be learning about Football very quickly. Go Boilers, Pats and Bears!
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