Friday, April 29, 2005

The small things....

This morning I was thinking about some stuff that made me wonder why people get gloomy on cloudy rainy days. Why was I thinking about this you ask.... well, its a cloudy rainy day here in Northern Virginia. Most people get sad when the weather goes bad, but I think there is something else at work. I think people really miss football. When its cloudy and rainy in the fall, people always have football to look forward too. In the spring when it is nasty out, we dont have this Great American Happy time. College or NFL, it doesn't matter. Football is football, whether you are watching game between two teams you dont even care about vice whatever we do when there is not football to watch. We all still feel better when Football is around. Did I mention that I miss the football season?

Now baseball, that solidfies my point. Baseball is only fun on a nice sunny day. The fact that baseball doesn't usually happen on rainy days has a big part in this fact as well. Don't get me wrong, I love baseball when it comes to The Cubs, The Red Sox and The Nationals now. In fact Val and I are going to at least 2 / 3 games in 2 weeks for the Cubs vs. Nats here in DC. BTW: I love being married to someone who loves sports. Seriously Val can hold her own when it comes to sports. I have only met one woman that is nuts about sports and knows her stuff. Unfortunately she is a White Sox fan and her last name is Clark. She is lucky is married to my best Friend or I wouldn't respect her sports banter.

In a nut shell on cloudy days like today, I wish Football was around. I also wish I lived closer to Purdue so I could get to the games more often. My first 5 years out of college, I had season tickets there but now that we are East Coasters we have to resort to watching alot of ACC football. Dont' get me wrong its a strong conference, but The Big Ten is much more exciting to me.

All is well with Val and I. We have a pretty low key weekend coming up. Val starts classes in another week or so. And my rib is starting to heal. I'll probably test it out a little more this weekend. What ever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.............. or cry like a baby.


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