Hello McFly....
Hello McFly, are you there? Yeah I'm still here.....
Val and I have been doing a lot lately and have been pretty busy. Two weekends ago we were in LA visiting Vals brother during his graduation. LA has its cool places and obviously has its not so cool places. Luckily Henry lives in one of the places between not so cool and cool. We landed around 11:00am on Friday and as we spoke to Henry about our plans for the day which included a scenic drive along the coastline of Palos Verdes and south through Long Beach he told me something that detoured us. Henry told me that the Gracie Acadamy of Brazlian Jiu Jitsu was on Tarrence which was on our way. So as a true Jiu Jitsu whore I asked Val to grin and bear it while we make a quicks top for a tour. Man it was a cool place. There was a museum there that spoke about all the History in the Gracie Familly and how they became who they were as the strongest modern day martial arts familly in the world. No kidding...
The rest of the day was a great scenic drive. There are some really cool houses on the shore. Of course we learned when we got back that some of the houses on the shore just south of where we drove had a little drop in elevation as you might have read in the newspaper. Apparenly some Californians are not only worried about global warming but are kind of enough to sink milliions of dollars in homes that they generiously donate to the ocean.
The graduation was a long one. They need alcohol at these things. Seriously...
We also saw Matt Holt and his wife and 2 kids. The live in Long Beach now as he works for Union Pacific in Lng Beach. It is funny seeing him with kids. Those of you who know him know what I am talking about.
Val and I got back on Monday and went back at it to work the next day.
This weekend was a busy one, it was our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday, which we can't believe. We went to some parties Friday with our neighbors and Adams girlfriend Natalie downtown in Old Town. Adam can cook up a mean Pork Tenderloin. I want that recipe dude.
Saturday I trained at Fightworks for about 4 hours and I'm still paying for it. The school is getting ramped up for a couple tournements in July so there is a lot of hard training going on. I am hoping to compete in that tournment which is the weekend after our trip to Vegas...
Val is doing well. School is keeping her on her toes, but she is still acing her classes. She will be done next April.
I'll be trying to post more often now so come back soon.
PS: 30 days until Vegas! Thads wedding is quickly approaching.