Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Bad Timing

So Val and I go out with our Friend Adam on Friday night to see Tim Easton www.timeaston.com at Jammin Java in Vienna. We left the boys with my Sister in Law Suzie for the evening as we ventured out for a little us time. Apparently I didn't get the memo that you shouldnt eat the food there. Come about 11:00 pm that night I was starting to feel the effects of the Pork Chilli or BLT sandwich that I ate at 7:30 there. By 1:30 am my dinner had become a rental. (For those of you who arent familiar with my humor, that means I hurled). So I spent the better part of early Saturday taking care of that while Val was forced to be on her own taking the care of the boys for the night and morning. She proceeded to get about 4 hours of sleep which followed up the night before where she only got about the same amount of sleep as well. Luckily I woke up on Saturday morning from an hour nap at about 9:30 and miraculously the pain had subsided. I thought for sure the pain I was feeling was going to be with me for a while that day. So I had managed to clean up a little and go downstairs to find Val walking around with 2 kids like a Zomby! She allowed me to get a little more sleep because I was still a bit fuzzy etc.. After I woke up at 11:00 again she had pretty much thrown the towel in and it was my turn. Needless to say her highest priority was to sleep. Of course this was the weekend my mom was out of town so we had to call in the reserves and my step dad came over and helped me manage for a while. Once Val caught up with some sleep we were able to regroup a bit. Of course it also had to be one of the fussiest weekends the boys have had. Most likely due to gas or not as much entertainment from mom and dad.

The Lesson Learned here is never have the Pork Chilli at a coffee house and never go into a weekend like that with your wife not having enough sleep.

The Boys had their 4 month doctors appt. last week. Caleb weighs 14 pounds. Jackson weighs 11 pounds. Jackson is starting to eat a little better for us. But he is still a fussy eater. Caleb on the other hand eats just fine. The doctor officially says the boys are high maintanence. That means that they have a lot of little issues that are solvable and makes it a pain for parents to deal with. They are healthy babies and thriving well, just high maintenence. Luckily Caleb isnt as Fussy as Jackson. Having 2 Jacksons right now would be tough.

I say Jackson is a fussy baby but when he is in a good mood, he is so cute. He has the cutest little smile and will melt you with his little laugh/smile he does when you smile at him. Caleb has his moments being fussy but is always cute and either studying you or talking up a storm. Jacskon talks too and I think he is realy close to copying me saying "I Love you". Its real cute. Caleb is into hi pitch squeels now with a sort of whining coo to it.

Life is certainly busy taking care of these guys and sometimes I wonder how we will be able to handle it without breaking or going crazy. We just take it day to day and night by night and pray along the way and things work out. Since there's no manual for how to be a parent of twin infants you just learn it as you go and do what you can with priorities. Highest being the boys and me going to work.

Here are some pics Val took recently you might enjoy. Enjoy!

Below is Caleb Blow playing with Caleb Glazier. These 2 were born a day apart...

JD in the new Jumper...

Tim Easton on Friday night.... We were in the front row....It was a great show... Check him out.

Friday, June 02, 2006

4 Months Old

Wow have we stayed busy. Jackson and Caleb have been teaching us a thing or two about how to keep busy without really accomplishing much of anything. It's amazing what goes into taking care of 2 infants. Val is a strong woman to be able to do it alone all day until dad gets home. I continue to be impressed that she is still alive by the time I get home.

So what is new? Let's see...

Jackson and Caleb were baptized 2 weekends ago at Truro Church. It went very well. A lot of family and friends were there. The boys did great. They were relatively calm through the service and didn't do much of anything when Martin Minns held them over the immersion pool and baptized them. It was a great feeling to know that many of the people who were praying for them as they were growing inside mom were there to witness them being claimed by god. We should have a picture or two at some point I can post. It was pretty cute.

The boys are also becoming more and more interactive. The have learned how to do so much in such little time. Like, cooing , laughing and practically holding a conversation in baby talk. They regularly suck on their hands, fists and whatever they can get their hands on, even mom and Dads shirts. Caleb like sto talk to me while he is getting changed and it is real fun to listen to his jibber jabber. Jackson likes to talk while he is playing and tends to use his tongue more to make new sounds.

Some character is starting to show through we think. Caleb tends to be a little more laid back and not as needy as Jackson. Caleb will probably be a quieter guy and a big teddy bear. Jackson will most likely be like his dad and be more aggressive and high strung. Caleb also tends to be a better eater than Jackson. Jackson doesn't like to eat when mom and dad want him to sometimes. I think Caleb will eat anytime we put a bottle in his mouth. Jackson is still on a thickened fortified with Formula milk (Jackson Juice). Caleb just has straight milk. He doesn't need the extra calories. :)

Caleb is roughly weighing about 13 pounds and Jackson is about 10 pounds. Jackson has seemed to slow down on his growth chart a bit but is still doing well. His heart is doing well and is still on track for an out patient type surgery to completely close his PDA when he is about 20 pounds or so.

They are sleeping more at night as well. WE usually put them to bed around 7, then they sleep until 10 when we wake them up to feed them one last time. Then we let them sleep as much as they can while we go to sleep. They have been getting to 5am sometimes. Most of the time they go to about 4:00am. We then get up and feed them and go back to bed. It definitely could be worse. Unfortunately for Val the nap times during the day are hit and miss. Caleb doesn't like to take longer than 45 minute naps most of the time which makes it virtually impossible for her to do much of anything. Sometimes she gets lucky and he will sleep for a 2 hour stint and she can get stuff done that she needs. Most of the time she is quite ready for me to get home around 5:30. She is a great mom and is doing a great job with the boys.

Caleb is in physical therapy for his Torticollis. It is basically meant to help stretch and strenthen his neck out on the left side because it is tight from his position in the womb. He is getting stronger on that side and is starting to look more to that side as well. With this it should eventually correct itself. Both Jackson and Caleb have somewhat of a flattened head in the back so we have been using these pillow thingamabobs that take the pressure off the back of their head while they are laying down. Pretty neat little thing .....

Tomorrow is our anniversary and we will celebrate with the boys 6 great years of Marriage with 2 wonderful blessings. Its amazing that we have these 2 little guys. I can't leave out Jake, Tuxedo and Simba of course. All 7 of us live happily in the Townhouse like it were a mansion. Lol!!!!

Well here are some more pictures of late. Enjoy and I'll try to update you with more soon!

Caleb in his Bumbo chair. Pretty cool chair! Jake is always involved.

Below is Jackson. As you can see he can already read. He sort of looks like he is on the toilet reading. That's my boy!

and Caleb doing his knuckle push ups in the morning. He's getting strong. And looking left too! (That's the hard side for him)

The Little Cutie smiling!