Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Trip to North Carolina

This weekend we made a trip to Raleigh North Carolina to visit with some friends of ours Irene and Aaron. THey live in a beautiful house in the outskirts of Raleigh. Amazingly their house is worth what our townhouse is in Reston VA. It's amazing. They have a huge backyard and a large house and we have a townhouse. Nuts. Anyway, it was a great weekend visiting them. The highlight of the weekend was seeing Val and Irene pregnant together. They were college roomates and seeing them hit this point in life together is great. Here is a picture of them....

While Irene and Val went shopping Aaron and I caught up on our FIFA skills on Xbox. Aaron is still the king of FIFA, although in my defense I am getting better I think. Aaron also introduced me to a new taste called Liver Pudding. It sounds nasty but it actually is pretty good.

We also brought the Jakester to play with their dogs. We think he had a great time except the 5 hour drive down and back. He was actually depressed when we got home because he missed Parker and Abbey.

Val is doing well lately. Since she has been taking the Physical Therapy called "Toning for Two" her back has been feeling much better. Still having some ciatic pain but its not as bad as it was she says. She is gaining the normal amount of wait and looks very cute with her little belly. I have also been playing with the babies and they are responding. Of course Val does this all day but its fun for me now that I can feel them kicking and punching and stuff.

We have our next Sonogram appointment on my birthday the 3rd. So we will say hi to the boys again then. FYI: It is normal for twin pregnancies these days to have sonograms every month until the 3rd trimester then it goes to every 2 weeks. So they can make sure both are doing well.

Have a great week! Hope its not as cold where you are. Its getting cold here!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Val looks great. She is doing such a great job being a prego. She has some of the famous cravings and such but overall she is low maintenance. She is starting to get big, its a little weird but very cool at the same time.

Here is one of her Barefoot and Pregnant in the kitchen. Sweeeeet!

Here are some pictures of our recent sonogram of the little ones. Baby A is the lower one and is most likely going to be the first one born. Baby B is the higher one and will be born second.

Pretty neat picture below. It's a little obvious that he is a he. I think the little butt is cute.

These 3D pictures are really cool.

The stuff in the top right of this picture is the Chord. They actually look like bubbles on the video.

Here is the other little guys personal shot.

You can even see how the skull is still forming on the top. Pretty neat.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Yesterday Val and I found out that we are going to be having boys. It was a clear picture and you can tell that they are boys. It was an amazing experience finding this out. Such a cool thing to watch your little ones moving around inside Vals tummy. We have lots of pictures from this round of the sonogram so I will post them very soon.

Will update you more soon.
