The Brothers
This month Val and I have been pretty busy with a few things. We decided that it was time to think seriously about selling our house and upgrading to a larger house with a yard and garage. So we have been preparing for that and have got the townhouse on the market and have put an offer on another place in FoxMill Estates (Herndon , VA). It is a Detached Single Family home with a large backyard and a 4 car garage. Yes a 4 car garage, with only 2 doors. It is 2 cars deep and has enough room to open all doors at the same time. So it looks like Mr. Blow will have his wood shop back in order this winter.
This being said, we have been real busy de-cluttering the house and storing what we don't need in a POD for the time being. The POD is now being stored at a storage facility. So the townhouse is looking great and has been on the market about 5 days. So far we have had some good interest in the place considering the buyers market we are in around here. The house is priced right and is in great shape with all the upgrades and new stuff you would want in a townhouse. So hopefully we will get it sold soon. WE had a stager come through to help us setup the house so it shows well. That was interesting! A stager.... didn't even know that field existed until now. It was paid for by our realtor so we used it. Definitely helped because the place looks great.
The boys are doing great. Some teething fussiness lately but they are doing well. They are really interacting now. Today they had a screaming contest as a conversation. When I say screaming, I mean they were talking very loudly not crying. It was pretty cute. They both are still working on getting more teeth. They both have their 2 bottom teeth right now. The top 2 are about to pop in we think. Either that or a demon is taking over Caleb and Jackson in the form of mouth pain. You can tell because they are chewing on everything and drewling more than I do in a hunting gear store.
Caleb and Jackson are almost 9 months now and last check Caleb is about 18 1/2 pounds and Jackson is about 2-3 pounds behind still. No worries though. Both are starting to get more mobile. Caleb especially. He takes to his tummy a lot and is really trying to figure out the crawling thing. He tends to do push ups a lot and is moving more backwards that forwards but is definitely getting places. Jackson is just now starting to explorer moving around on his tummy.
Caleb is still seeing a therapist for his Tortacollis neck issue. He still tends to look to the right and needs more time with a Physical Therapist to correct the issue. So far we don't know of any long term effects. He just needs to develop the muscle on the other side of his neck more.
Jacksons heart is doing fine and the doctor is thinking the PDA will close itself up. Next check up is at a year old. We'll see then how things look. Calebs PDA has closed itself.
As for food, the boys are 2 different people when it comes to eating sometimes. Caleb will eat anything. He may not like it and will make funny faces but he will eat it. Jackson on the other hand is a picky little guy. He tends to like Sweet potatoes or Acorn Squash or Butternut Squash then apples and ripe plums or pears. We have to sneak other stuff in their food to get them to eat some things but they are definitely eating a variety of stuff. Meats are starting to be introduced into their diets now as well as finger food like Cheerios and toast.
Other than that, the Blow family is doing great. I love spending time with the boys and Val is doing a great job taking care of them when I am working. She is a SuperStar Mom!
Now for your favorite part. The pics....

By the way, I went Bow hunting last weekend with Rich my cousin, and I missed another deer with my Bow at 20 yards. Not enough practice..... That makes it 7 misses with a bow and 2 for 2 with a rifle in 3 years. Argh...
Here is one of Jackson taking a cat nap at dinner..... What a cutey! Caleb would never do this.