1st Year
It is hard to believe it has been a year as of this Friday since Caleb and Jackson came into our lives. They have already grown so much that we are amazed. This Sat. will be their Birthday party and Ill be sure to post some pics from that as it will be their first time having cake.
Caleb has started to take steps by himself and Jackson is not far behind. It is real fun to watch them walk towards you! Ill popst some video soon with their first steps we recorded.
It's going to be a busy couple weeks, B-day party this weekend and we move into the new home next Friday. It should be a lot of work but it's going to be fun!
Here are some pics of the boys recently!
The boys with their cousins in Indiana.

Caleb and Jackson had their first ride on a Tractor with Daddy over Christmas and Grandma and Grandpa Sears house.



Caleb and Jackson
