Bad Blogger
Sorry its been over a month since I last blogged. We have had some busy weekends and some sick weekends. We have certainly had our share of colds this winter.
Val is doing well with the bun in the oven except she has a weird hip issue this time around. It feels like her hip is going out of the socket a lot and she can't walk very well. So she pretty much just hobbles around and looks like she has a bum leg. Other than that, the baby is doing OK so far and she is now in her 28th week. So not much longer to go and still not bed rest, which is awesome.
Caleb and Jackson are now 2 and are acting the part. They are learning new things everyday, good and bad. As my mom says, they are all boy. If there is something to get into or to climb up and jump off of, they will try it. We definitely can't wait for it to warm up around here so they can get outside more often. They love to run around and play outside so the sooner the better.
We have found that their interest in Trains has turned into an obsession. They notice every train anywhere you go and 60% of their day outside of sleep involves some sort of train playing or having a train in the grasp. They really like the trains that you can turn on and it moves around the track. WE have gotten used to the annoying constant noise of the battery powered trains running and running and running..... Putting the trains under any type of bridge or tunnel in the house is their favorite. Couches, tables, and furniture are the usual and it is not uncommon for me to have to come home and move furniture to retrieve lost trains that are still on and making their noise under the back of the couch.
They vocabulary is getting to be a long list and we certainly have to be careful what we say around them if you know what I mean. Ever since their Birthday they sing happy birthday to you at least once a day to each other. They always think the cake is supposed to come right around that time. They are starting to realize that that is not the case. I can definitely tell that reading really does teach them about new words and such. Another really cool thing is that they are getting really close to starting to count things with mommy and daddy. They know that 2 comes after 1 and 3 comes after 2 but are still trying to link the "How many cows are on the page?" to the number mommy and daddy are saying.
This week my buddy Adam has been in town for work and staying with us. It has been good to see him and talk about old times. He now lives in Boulder, CO which I call Hippie Land. I am just waiting for the day that he tells me he is going to be a Freegan. If you are interested, Google "Freegan". Its an extreme way of living cheap. Adam is too into technology to go this route but I still give him a hard time. He is my environmentalist link to the world.