I'm not sure if I have quite let go of the weekend yet but I'm sure by the time I step into the office tomorrow I will realize it has gone. I had a great weekend. It started off with a date night with my best friend, Mrs. Blow. We went and saw the Interpreter, which is worth watching for sure. It was a well done modern story that really gets you thinking. Looking at Nicole Kidman never hurts. After that we went for a drink at American Tap Room and saw a friend of mine from Fightworks and called it a night.
Saturday we woke up and made a great breakfast that would make Bill Perry very Jealous. I went to Fightworks for an open mat session and for the first time in weeks actually felt comfortable rolling with the guys. My rib and back are feeling much better. Val came and took some pictures of the class which I wont share right now because she perfectly took pictures of my balding spot in each picture. I've made an executive decision to withhold any pictures that show my balding head. After class I went with some friends from the class to grab a beer and some food. Meanwhile, Val was off shopping for about 4 hours and boy was I worried..... But she did well and came back with minimal damage. Val and I went to dinner on Saturday at our neighbors Scott and Laura with Jon and Emily, our other neighbor dinner friends. Kabobs was on the menu and wow was that perfect after a day of serious fighting. We had a great time with our friends. It's great living in a neighborhood where we have close friends. It's easy to walk home with a good buzz after a few cocktails!
Val and I had a wonderful day today. We woke up a little late and went to a church we hadn't been to before. The Falls Church. A close Christian friends of mine and Val are leaders in the worship (Music) there. It was a great service. The lord was definitely speaking to us today at this service. The sermon was about how Jesus told his disciples right before he was taken into custody that his mission was now their mission. In as many words, it meant that we as disciples should take over where he left off and share the glory of god with the rest of the world starting with the people we know and the community. Today was a wonderful day because god spoke to me through this sermon. So I decided to share with you that Jesus has made a difference in my life.
Thanks for listening!
Val and I went out for a great breakfast today after church and then started an afternoon of weeding, raking, planting and mulching. It was tough but our front yard and back yard look much better for it. Vals work in the front yard definitely looks great. I'll take some pictures for you all to see soon. So now its time for us to turn the tv off and go to bed and start a new week. Have a great one!